Allegations Against Alan Dershowitz, Removed From The Record
Congratulations to the celebrated defense lawyer and distinguished law professor on this good news.

Best Practices In Trust Accounting: What Every Lawyer Needs To Know
Learn legal trust accounting best practices to ensure compliance and protect client funds. Discover expert tips to set your firm up for success.

Does Alan Dershowitz Have A Proof Problem?
Columnist Tamara Tabo wants to know: When will Professor Dershowitz put all his cards on the table?

Alan Dershowitz’s Recurring Nightmare: Accusations Of Involvement In Sex Scandal May Be Older Than You Thought
The saga of disbarred lawyer Scott Rothstein contains important context for the recent allegations against Alan Dershowitz.

In Search Of Balance In Dershowitz v. Cassell
Retired judge Nancy Gertner takes issue with Tamara Tabo's recent column about Alan Dershowitz.

A Second Look At The Allegations Against Alan Dershowitz
Until we get more evidence, we should reserve judgment on the allegations against Alan Dershowitz.

8 Tips For Creating A Comprehensive ‘AI In The Workplace’ Policy
Corporate investment and usage in generative AI technologies continues to accelerate. This article offers eight specific tips to consider when creating an AI usage policy.

Alan Dershowitz Fights Back Against Allegations Of Sexual Relations With A Minor
What do you make of these shocking allegations against a distinguished lawyer and law professor?

Having a Gay Old Time: Couple Sentenced for Massive Theft from Vanderbilt Law (and Statutory Rape)
A former administrator at Vanderbilt Law School just got a hefty sentence after pleading guilty to theft and statutory rape. His boyfriend got sentenced too. How much time did they get, and what are some of the salacious allegations?